Lottie Applewhite lives in Carol Woods Retirement Community in Chapel Hill. She has been a resident there for nearly 20 years, but moved to a more closely monitored part of the facility about 4 years ago after having a stroke and losing most use of the left side of her body. She is cared for by different staff members depending on their shift. "[The residences] feel as if we have excellent care," Mrs. Applewhite says. "They get to know our names and we have a sheet that says, 'how would you like to be addressed?'…and I prefer to be called Mrs. Applewhite because Mrs. Applewhite is a pretty name and that is with the dignity that I think that they should learn when they are working with the geriatric group. These people respect this and they address me as Mrs. Applewhite. " The relationship between Mrs. Applewhite and her caregivers is one of mutual respect and consideration.
Lottie Applewhite kicks her foot into the air after two of her caregivers, Lydia Barnes and David Parsons, help her prepare for bed. "I save Mrs. Applewhite for my last visit every night so that I can sit and chat with her for a while," says Parsons. "She has the best stories to tell."